Principal's Corner

Dear Witt Parents and Students,
As a new year begins, we are excited to work with you in a partnership to help your student become a lifelong learner. Witt Elementary truly believes all students can and will learn and achieve at high levels. Together, we will form a partnership to ensure that your child has a strong foundation to move forward into middle school, high school, and beyond.
Please know that the safety of our students is our highest priority. This handbook provides you with important information regarding the various safety policies and procedures at our school. Please review the policies with your child and refer to it as needed throughout the year.
Your child has been provided with a folder. Students in primary grades will bring home the folder daily, while intermediate grade students will bring them home on Fridays. Please take time to review the items in the folder (behavior reports, graded work, notes from teachers, etc.) with your child.
Prior to making any decision, we ask ourselves what is best for the students. Relationships between families and the school are vital to the success of our students, so I encourage you to become involved in every way possible.
Please feel free to contact us when you have questions. The school phone number is 586-2862. I am excited to be a part of the Witt community and look forward to working with you.
Dr. Christy Walker, Principal
Witt Elementary School